A Trip Down Memory Lane: The Racetrack Whisper and Sweet Champagne Eulogy

Posted under: Horsetorque New Zealand
Tagged: Highlights

A Trip Down Memory Lane: The Racetrack Whisper and Sweet Champagne Eulogy


Late on a Friday night in 1997, I was buzzing. ...

Is Aberlour Worth a Nip at Randwick?

Posted under: Horsetorque Australia
Tagged: Highlights

Aberlour wins the Southland Guineas. Photo from LoveRacing.


Is Aberlour Worth a Nip at Randwick?


In Race 4 at Randwick on Saturday, ABERLOUR is set to compete for Australian-trainer, Joseph Pride and certainly looks worthy of each-way consideration.

HK International Jockeys Challenge Night

Posted under: Horsetorque Hong Kong
Tagged: Highlights

With all the mouth watering  G1 action of International day ahead of us Sunday we wet our appetite with International jockeys challenge night tomorrow night and what a line up of talented horse men we have, of the 4 HK hoops only one is a local and that's Vinnie Ho, currently 3rd on the Premiership with 20 wins at 12%, Aussies Zac Purton and Hugh Bowman sit one 2 with ZP 20 wins clear on 44 at a staggering 23%, HB has 24 wins at 15%. The other representing HK is Karis Teetan, a Mauritian who gained his notoriety  in South Africa, he is 4th on the table with 15 wins at 9%. James McDonald whom you can tell is the next heir apparent for HK has been really testing the waters there this season having had 40 rides for 7 wins at an ultra impressive 18%.  I mean if you were one of the best hoops in the world why would you want to ride in HK, 2 meetings a week, 6 weeks off a ...